Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I feel that I am being punished, I just found out over the weekend that my baby sister is pregnant with her second child. I cannot be happy for because she is a terrible mother, she neglects her child and she never has time for him but now she is having a second child and expects me to be happy. Don't get me wrong, it's not because I am struggling, it's because she cannot take of her one child who is 2 years old now, she is lazy and is a stay at home mom. She doesn't like the responsibility of being a mother but she is having another baby. Where is the justice in all this, so she and her husband comes over to our place on saturday and expects us to celebrate this with them. Really could you have not thought that this is not a good time for us. No, because that ever matters is her. I know my turn will come but why does it come so easy to others.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

End of the Year Blues

I feel like everyday at the office is torture, I just want to be at home and rest. This has been a long year and with a couple of hurdles to get over. So 2009 dawn upon me and bring me some good news. Many of us have had a bad year and struggled through this year always keeping Faith, but let's believe that 2009 will be great and that good things will happen. I surely believe that, so I welcome 2009 with open arms and leave all my troubles behind in 2008.