Friday, February 6, 2009

The dream is always out of reach

So finally I go back to my FS after deciding not to proceed with the operation (I just feel that it is not the right time) and now there is something else wrong with me so I have to go for more tests. Who thought going for IVF can become so complicated, I thought we decide we go and we proceed, but let me tell you ladies who are all struggling out there this is a huge highway we travel along and the destination is far, but we must always believe that we will reach that destination. I think I will get me a GARMIN so that I can find my way to that destination. I promise you ladies that I will not give up on my dream of becoming a mother, that is my GIFT from GOD and I want it!!!! I will give up the day I became menopausal as GOD is my witness, HE created us strong individuals and I believe my cross is not too much for me to carry.