Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It's been a while.......

..... since I last posted, but I am happy to report that I am dealing with my IVF disappointment quite well thanks to all the support from OPM and other family and friends and ja the workload has doubled too so it gave me less time to think. But on a serious note, I have really dealt with this IVF failure much better than the first and yet I thought I handled that one! Ya right!!! More like I was in denial! But anyway, DH and I are spending some wonderful quality time and I must say it is a huge relief not to think about IVF (injections, blood, follies), stressing about this on a dialy basis! I have taken control of my life again and I am living it up until next year. It is so wonderful not having to think about ttc'ing for a while, I forgot what it feels like to be sane. My family has really been wonderful and my OPM friends are still wonderful everyday, I never thought I would have this many friends at the same time in my life which I care so much about! THANK YOU GIRLS!!!!!!