Monday, February 22, 2010

IVF Journey no.3

So I have started with my 3rd IVF, had my Zoladex shot last week Wednesday, have a nice purple/blue bruise to prove it. This time I am dealing with my IVF so differently, I won't say that I am prepared for everything but I think this time I more aware of what can go wrong. I don't believe you can ever be prepared for these treatments because no matter what we say when we start this journey we believe that we will end with a baby in our arms nine months later. That is what I believed both times, this time too, but this time I started my IVF with positive energy. I took a 3 month break and had enough time to think about this whole journey and so far I have really just taken it one step and one day at a time and it feels great. This time I pray that the journey will end successful. I have Faith and Trust in our God/Allah and know that He will Bless us!


Tamara said...

Good luck my friend ! Praying for you xxx

Karien said...

Good luck, hun! You know you're in my thoughts and prayers and you know where to find me when those horrible little dark moments rear their ugly heads.

Rentia said...

All the best my friend.

you are in my thoughts!


Unknown said...

Good Luck my friend!! You are in my thoughts!! xx