Monday, August 24, 2009

Still waiting......

...... for AF! She was suppose to arrive on Friday, she is a no show, nothing nada. So patiently I await her arrival so I can start with stims. Went for bloods on Friday, FS called to say hormones are not completely suppressed so we need to wait for the wicked witch, if she is a no show then I will have to go back for bloods on Friday. I starting to develop a phobia for needles, can you believe it. Worked at a lab, use to volunteer to give bloods for test runs on the machine but here I am starting to develop a phobia, my experience on friday was me sitting on the chair cringing while dr searches for a vein (as usual) and anticipating that needle entering my arm and missing the vein, lucky for me he is such a good doctor he always finds a vein! So I will just get over my this! And this is where I am at his moment in my life!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope the stupid witch arrives soon!