Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My First Follies scan

This is the day that made me soooooo nervous, I have quite a few follies again. Less than last time which is good, so I will be staying on 1amp Menopur for today and tomorrow and then go back for a second scan on Thursday. I am so nervous because I fear that my cycle could be cancelled again, but I feel positive about this one. This is really emotional rollercoaster but I know in the end it will be all worthwhile when we hold that bundle of joy in your arms!!!! I just pray that the Almighty blesses us with a Little one or two! To everyone else trying I am praying for you guys!


Martie xxx said...

I am rooting for you!!!! I just know everything will go well!!!

Praying that those follies grow nicely girl!!!

ALL the best and hang in there!!!

Unknown said...

I so hope that this WILL be the month for you!