Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My First ET

So today was the big ET. This could be the first day of the rest of our lives. I am not sure how I feel yet but I know that this could change our life forever and I never been so ready in my life. I pray that we will be Blessed, we have been through a tough two IVF's, this one has been more a walk in the park and it really felt so much better. I have enjoyed this IVF more and took it day by day and now I have to embies implanted in womb and hope that those embies stick and feel right at home! So I have entered the dreaded 2ww and will be testing next week Friday! What a way to start the weekend, either way it will determine what kind of weekend we will be having. I am positive and believe that this could be it for us, and then that nasty little voice creeps and reminds me of my previous IVF's! Life!

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Good luck babes.