Friday, March 12, 2010

Today was my long awaited ER

This is the one day I dreaded for sooo long, it felt like dejavu today lying on that bed in theatre staring at the ceiling and all these people around me. I must say this time that anesthetic felt like it took forever and then suddenly I felt my eyes start rolling, all I heard the Dr say is keep your eyes open for as long as you can, and then I was gone. OMW it was really terrifying for me, praying all the while that I will get some eggies out of these poor overworked ovaries. I must say that I am very proud of them, they produces 10 follies where 17mm, 18mm, 19mm. In total they retrieved 6 eggs which I am so proud of, some might think they are little my FS said they would want to get between 5 - 8 and so I gave them 6 :) and I am so proud of these ovaries cos they did not let me down this time around. So now we are praying that all of them Fertilise and produce some beautiful embabies. I have received so much support from soooo many wonderful friends and family. Without that support I don't know where I would have been throughout this IVF cycle. Thank you for always supporting me!!! I have never seen DH smile so much to see me when I wake up looking like the Bride of Frankenstein, me as usual made a complete poephol of myself, cos one of the theatre sisters told me that I spoke while I was under and just before I came around but lucky for me they could not make out what I was saying! So the praying continues for those eggies to fertilise so that we can have beautiful embabies to put back and grow for Mommy!


Karien said...

Hehe, tell the sister you were talking to your babies, it wasn't meant for their ears!

By the way, 6 is double what we had, so that is awesome!!

Martie xxx said...

IT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well done girl!!!

Stick embies, stick!