Saturday, July 4, 2009

Sometimes I wonder

Here I am sitting at home all alone, yes DH has gone to his dad early this morning to help him. You know what makes me angry is that for the past 3 Saturdays he had something to do so I spend my Saturday alone, but I have decided that he should do as he pleases he is a grown man! This sounds so childish I know but there is a lot of history there and I don't even want to get started.

Back to me, I was wondering how my life will be when I am a mother, I have been thinking of a nursery, how I will react, my cats, my DH and our family when we become parents. For 4 years it was just us and soon I pray to GOD soon we could become parents. Do you ever wonder if you are really ready for this, will you be a good mom, will you know what to do, cos this little life depends on you to make the right decisions for him/her and to feed them when they are hungry. Sometimes I just go into this panic attack and I am not even pregnant yet! Ai Life is hard sometimes. Anyway I will go on and dream the dream of becoming a mom and whether I will be good mother, all I can promise right now is that I will love my baby/ies with all my heart.

1 comment:

Evelyn said...

Sjoe, your post made me teary eyed! My thoughts and feeling exactly the same!

We will get there some day my friend - we just have to believe it! x x x